The process of converting hot material into cold is called cooling process. The main aim of the lathe coolant is converting hot input to the cold material. The water pump is used to supply the coolant water into the work piece. The lathe coolant consists of flexible tube and fuel pump.
The machining process of the hardening material is produces the large amount of hot. The coolant pump is used to hot material into cold material.
Mechanical Engineering without production and manufacturing is meaningless and inseparable. Production and manufacturing process deals with conversion of raw materials inputs to finished products as per required dimensions, specification and efficiently using recent technology. The new developments and requirements inspired us to think of new improvements in air conditioning Engineering field.
The fabrication of cooling tower is our project; it is very useful in medium scale industries by converting hot water into the cold water. The cooling tower consists of more amounts of coolant tube and fan.
- Simple in construction
- This system is noiseless in operation
- It is portable, so it can be transferred easily from one place to other place
- Maintenance cost is low
- Low cost and high performance
- Additional cost is required
- Industries Applications
- It is also used in a lathe and any machine