- In India During the second wave of Covid-19 Pandemic almost all towns and cities hospitals beds where fully occupied and the entire health department has collapsed with lot of issues.
- The issues faced by the ambulance drivers who take the patients to the hospital had waited outside the hospital for a prolonged time due to the unavailability of Beds, Ventilators, Medical ICU and lack of oxygen supply leads the patients to die inside the ambulance itself which parked in front of the hospital make the death ratio to all-time high.
- The major issues we faced during the second wave is we don’t have a proper system connecting to all hospitals nearby to identify which hospital is having beds, Ventilator availability, Medical ICU availability and so on, and at the same time by checking the parameters of patients in Ambulance, decisions cannot be taken on right time for the Ambulance person which hospital is having the availability of necessary Medical system, In order to avoid such situations we are having a proposed system in that all hospital choosing decision will be made by LSAI48266X Artificial Intelligence Board by fetching the details from the hospital availability and medical system availability from the centralized server page connecting to all hospitals nearby.
- The LSAI48266X Artificial Intelligence board will take all the bio medical parameters of Patient like Spo2, HB, respiratory and body temperature and it’ll process with the algorithm, and decide the patient falls under which categories he needs like oxygen bed support, ventilator support, and MICU support by checking with the networked medical system availability hospital using IoT.
- If a critical patient lost his conscious it’s difficult for the entire family to Track their dear ones taken to an ambulance and going to which hospital after searching the necessary Medical system availability. So AI LSAI48266X board will Keeps ambulance details, selected hospital details, patient details and it will post in Local Hospital Telegram Community channel which that family member can join easily. This Telegram Channel posting will help to reduce the Corruptions in hospitals by denying the availability of Medical systems for quoting high to richest person which will deny treatment to the poor simultaneously corruption of ambulance drivers for diverting the patients to the hospital, which pay him bribe.
- SPo2 Sensor
- Respiratory Sensor
- HeartBeat Sensor
- Body Temperature Sensor
- IoT Board
- Serial to USB
- Embedded C
- php