An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM with Energy

An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM with Energy

An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM with Energy Storage



The proposed method is effective in increasing the damping of the system at the frequencies of interest, also in the case of system parameter uncertainties and at various connection points of the compensator. First, the analysis of the impact of active and reactive power injection into the power system will be carried out using a simple two-machine system model. A control strategy that optimizes active and reactive power injection at various connection points of the STATCOM will be derived using the simplified model.













In this regard, FACTS controllers, both in shunt and series configuration, have been widely used to enhance stability of the power system. In the specific case of shunt connected FACTS controllers [STATCOM and static var compensator (SVC)], first swing stability and POD can be achieved by modulating the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC) using reactive power injection. However, one drawback of the shunt configuration for this kind of applications is that the PCC voltage must be regulated within specific limits (typically between 10% of the rated voltage), and this reduces the amount of damping that can be provided by the compensator. Moreover, the amount of injected reactive power needed to modulate the PCC voltage depends on the short circuit impedance of the grid seen at the connection point. Injection of active power, on the other hand, affects the PCC-voltage angle (transmission lines are effectively reactive) without varying the voltage magnitude significantly.


In this paper, a control strategy for the E-STATCOM when used for POD will be investigated. Thanks to the selected local signal quantities measured in the system, the control strategy optimizes the injection of active and reactive power to provide uniform damping at various locations in the power system. It will be shown that the implemented control algorithm is robust against system parameter uncertainties. For this, a modified recursive least square (RLS)-based estimation algorithm as described and will be used to extract the required control signals from locally measured signals. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy will be validated via simulation and experimental verification.



  • MP LAB






Mebtu Beza, Student Member, IEEE, and Massimo Bongiorno, Member, IEEE, “An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM With Energy Storage”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, VOL. 30, NO. 1, JANUARY 2015.




The proposed method is effective in increasing the damping of the system at the frequencies of interest, also in the case of system parameter uncertainties and at various connection points of the compensator. First, the analysis of the impact of active and reactive power injection into the power system will be carried out using a simple two-machine system model. A control strategy that optimizes active and reactive power injection at various connection points of the STATCOM will be derived using the simplified model.













In this regard, FACTS controllers, both in shunt and series configuration, have been widely used to enhance stability of the power system. In the specific case of shunt connected FACTS controllers [STATCOM and static var compensator (SVC)], first swing stability and POD can be achieved by modulating the voltage at the point of common coupling (PCC) using reactive power injection. However, one drawback of the shunt configuration for this kind of applications is that the PCC voltage must be regulated within specific limits (typically between 10% of the rated voltage), and this reduces the amount of damping that can be provided by the compensator. Moreover, the amount of injected reactive power needed to modulate the PCC voltage depends on the short circuit impedance of the grid seen at the connection point. Injection of active power, on the other hand, affects the PCC-voltage angle (transmission lines are effectively reactive) without varying the voltage magnitude significantly.


In this paper, a control strategy for the E-STATCOM when used for POD will be investigated. Thanks to the selected local signal quantities measured in the system, the control strategy optimizes the injection of active and reactive power to provide uniform damping at various locations in the power system. It will be shown that the implemented control algorithm is robust against system parameter uncertainties. For this, a modified recursive least square (RLS)-based estimation algorithm as described and will be used to extract the required control signals from locally measured signals. Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy will be validated via simulation and experimental verification.



  • MP LAB






Mebtu Beza, Student Member, IEEE, and Massimo Bongiorno, Member, IEEE, “An Adaptive Power Oscillation Damping Controller by STATCOM With Energy Storage”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, VOL. 30, NO. 1, JANUARY 2015.
