Ieee Projects 2016


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EPAS: A Sampling Based Similarity Identification Algorithm for the Cloud

Model-Driven Development Patterns for Mobile Services in Cloud of Things

Follow-Me Cloud: When Cloud Services Follow Mobile Users
Stochastic Load Balancing for Virtual Resource Management in Datacenters

Providing User Security Guarantees in Public Infrastructure Clouds

Dynamic and Public Auditing with Fair Arbitration for Cloud Data

Crowdsourcing based Description of Urban Emergency Events using Social Media Big Data
Video Stream Analysis in Clouds: An Object Detection and Classification Framework for High Performance Video Analytics

Using Socio-Spatial Context in Mobile Cloud Offload Process for Energy Conservation in Wireless Devices

Using Crowdsourcing to Provide QoS for Mobile Cloud Computing
A Novel Statistical Cost Model and an Algorithm for Efficient Application Offloading to Clouds

A Modified Hierarchical Attribute-based Encryption Access Control Method for Mobile Cloud Computing

A Data and Task Co-scheduling Algorithm for Scientific Cloud Workflows
Achieving Energy Efficiency in Data Centers Using an Artificial Intelligence Abstraction Model

Assurance of Security and Privacy Requirements for Cloud Deployment Model

On the Performance Impact of Data Access Middleware for NoSQL Data Stores

Identity-Based Private Matching over Outsourced Encrypted Datasets

ADON: Application-Driven Overlay Network-as-a-Service for Data-Intensive Science

Chaotic Searchable Encryption for Mobile Cloud Storage

CypherDB: A Novel Architecture for Outsourcing Secure Database Processing

Architectural Protection of Application Privacy Against Software and Physical Attacks in Untrusted Cloud Environment

A Context-aware Service Evaluation Approach over Big Data for Cloud Applications
A Decision-Theoretic Rough Set Approach for Dynamic Data Mining

TelCoVis: Visual Exploration of Co-occurrence in Urban Human Mobility Based on Telco Data

Interactive Visual Discovering of Movement Patterns from Sparsely Sampled Geo-tagged Social Media Data

ecoSense: Minimize Participants’ Total 3G Data Cost in Mobile Crowdsensing Using Opportunistic Relays

ecoSense: Minimize Participants’ Total 3G Data Cost in Mobile Crowdsensing Using Opportunistic Relays
A Kind of Novel ITS Based on Space-Air-Ground Big-Data

Recent Development in Big Data Analytics for Business Operations and Risk Management
Online Ensemble Learning of Data Streams with Gradually Evolved Classes

DiploCloud: Efficient and Scalable Management of RDF Data in the Cloud

Graph Regularized Feature Selection with Data Reconstruction

NATERGM: A Model for Examining the Role of Nodal Attributes in Dynamic Social Media Networks

Nearest Keyword Set Search in Multi-Dimensional Datasets

Online Mode Switch Algorithms for Maintaining Data Freshness in Dynamic Cyber-Physical Systems

Data-driven Soft Decoding of Compressed Images in Dual Transform-Pixel Domain

Double-Tip Artefact Removal from Atomic Force Microscopy Images

Weakly Supervised Fine-Grained Categorization with Part-Based Image Representation

Robust Visual Tracking via Convolutional Networks without Training
Learning Invariant Color Features for Person Re-Identification

A Diffusion and Clustering-based Approach for Finding Coherent Motions and Understanding Crowd Scenes

Automatic Design of Color Filter Arrays in The Frequency Domain

Learning Iteration-wise Generalized Shrinkage-Thresholding Operators for Blind Deconvolution
Image Segmentation Using Parametric Contours With Free Endpoints

CASAIR: Content and Shape-Aware Image Retargeting and Its Applications

Texture classification using Dense Micro-block Difference

Statistical performance analysis of a fast super-resolution technique using noisy translations
Internet-based Indoor Navigation Services
Tools Enabling Online Contributions by Older Adults

Social media interaction and analytics for enhanced educational experiences

Crowdsourcing processes: a survey of approaches and opportunities

GWMEP: Task-Manager-as-a-Service in Apache CloudStack

Service Provisioning in Content-Centric Networking: Challenges, Opportunities, and Promising Directions

Distributed Data Management Service for VPH Applications

Ensembling Classifiers for Detecting User’s Intentions behind Web Queries

Techniques for Defending from Buffer Overflow Vulnerability Security Exploits

Separating Operational and Control Behaviors: A New Approach to Web Services Modeling

Incentive Mechanisms in P2P Media Streaming Systems
An Optimization Framework for Mobile Data Collection in Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks

Distributed and Fair Beaconing Rate Adaptation for Congestion Control in Vehicular Networks

Minimizing Radio Resource Usage for Machine-to-Machine Communications through Data-Centric Clustering

Unlicensed Spectra Fusion and Interference Coordination for LTE Systems

On the vulnerabilities of Voronoi-based approaches to mobile sensor deployment

A Superprocess With Upper Confidence Bounds for Cooperative Spectrum Sharing

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